Apply as a Cargiver for Permanent Residence

Canada’s immigration department plans to finalize 6,000 caregiver applications for permanent residence by December 31, 2021. Act Now Call us.

There are two ways to apply as a cargiver for permanent residence. The options are:

The IRCC is no longer accepting new applicants under the Live-in Caregiver Program. However, LCP’s who are already working in Canada under this program can change employers and stay in the program. All other Caregivers not in the LCP program must apply for a regular work permit or under the following pilots that came into effect June 18, 2019.

  • Home Child Care Provider (NOC 4411) Pilot – The caregiver must have at least 24 months of full-time work experience in or outside of Canada as a home child care provider in the three years (36 months) before they apply. They do not need to live or have lived in their employer’s home to qualify. 
  • Home Support Worker (NOC 4412) Pilot – The caregiver must have at least 24 months of full-time work experience in or outside of Canada as a home child care provider in the three years (36 months) before they apply. They do not need to live or have lived in their employer’s home to qualify.
  • As a caregiver, you have options to come to Canada to become a permanent resident or work temporarily.

To be eligible for the program they must have:

  • have a genuine and valid job offer and the ability to perform one of the two jobs
  • meet the language level CLB 5 in English or French in writing, reading, listening, speaking
  • meet the education requirement. If they don’t have a Canadian education credential, they will need to get is assessed by a  recognized approved organization
  • are admissible to Canada
  • plan to live outside the province of Quebec as a permanent resident

If the Caregiver is already working in Canada they can:

  • Apply for one of the above programs to gain their work experience, or
  • Continue working on their current work permit until they have 24 months of work experience.

If they choose to continue to work on their current work permit, once they have sufficient work experience they may apply for permanent residence under the Caregiver pilot NOC 4411 or 4412.

Their family members may come with them to Canada and apply to work or study and submit with the Caregiver’s application.

Requirements for Live-in Caregivers to become a Permanent Resident under the previous LCP and are currently in the program. The LCP is closed. As a result, new applicants are no longer accepted under the LCP.

 Must currently work and live in the employer’s home under the Live-in Caregiver Program

 Have a Live-in Caregiver Program work permit

Have good knowledge of English or French language proficiency

Have the following work experience as a live-in caregiver:

  • 24 months of authorized full-time employment, or
  • 3,900 hours of authorized full-time employment. Applicant can complete these hours within a minimum or 22 months. When calculating hours, applicant can also include up to 390 hours of overtime.
  • The work experience must be acquired within four years of applicant’s date of arrival.

When calculating applicant’s work experience, applicant cannot include:

  • Any period of unemployment
  • Any extended time outside Canada. For example, if applicant leaves Canada for longer than the period of vacation time allotted in applicant’s employment contract, that period does not count.
  • Any period applicant worked for employer outside Canada. For example, time spent on a family vacation will not count.

Reasons that may Affect the Caregiver Application

Applicant’s application is affected if:

  • Applicant, applicant’s spouse or common-law partner, or any of applicant’s family members have a criminal record or a serious medical problem.
  • Applicant did not provide truthful information about education, training or experience to the visa officer when applicant first applied under the Live-In Caregiver Program, applicant’s application can be cancelled.

What Cannot Affect the Caregiver Application

Applicant’s application is not affected by applicant’s financial situation, skills upgrading in Canada, volunteer work, marital status or the number of family members applicant has in home country.

Applying for Applicant’s Family at the Same Time

Applicant must include all family members in application for permanent resident status, even if they do not want to come to Canada with applicant. Family members who are not listed in application cannot be sponsored by applicant at a later date.

Applicant and applicant’s family members can get permanent resident status at the same time.

Applicant’s family members abroad will go through the process of permanent resident status at their nearest visa office.

All family members must first pass medical and criminal screening before applicant can receive permanent resident status.

The applicant can leave the program and return permanently to home country at any time. However, applicant should give adequate notice to employer.

Starting May 6, Canada will accept 30,000 new permanent residents with one year of work experience in essential occupations. Caregiver occupations, NOC 4411 and 4412, are considered eligible occupations under this new program.

Need Help?

Regular transformational changes  takes place in caregiver Program. IRCC have digitalized the application, so it needs a lot of caution. Best options is call our office or email us at to book the appointment. Each case is unique, so you  may witness the success, if  based on your document, we present the case as required by IRCC. SO, contact us at Globalduniya Immigration Now!