Parents and GrandParents

Yes, if you are Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada, you may sponsor your parents and Grandparents. Meet our Global duniya immigration Team member. We will do the needful to bring you Mom, Dad, and Grand parents in Canada.

Who is a Sponsor?

A sponsor is a Canadian citizen, permanent resident (or Registered Indian) at least 18 years old, who resides in Canada and has filed an application to sponsor a member of the family class, a member of the spouse or common-law partner in Canada class or an applicant seeking permanent residence status in Canada under H&C grounds [R130(1)]. Sponsors must meet these requirements on the day the sponsorship is filed and from that day until the day a decision is made with respect to the application (to sponsor) [R133(1)]

Canadian Citizens residing abroad may sponsor their spouse, common-law partner, conjugal partner or dependent children without dependent children of their own provided they satisfy immigration officials that they will reside in Canada once their spouse, common-law or conjugal partner and dependent children become permanent residents in Canada

What are the Sponsorship Requirements?

  1. Submit a sponsorship application with the minimum requirements such as:
    1. IMM 1344AE completed with all information requested and signed by the sponsor
    2. A signed undertaking (part of the IMM 1344AE
    3. If a representative is retained, a completed “Use of a Representative” form (IMM 5476)
    4. Evidence of payment of applicable fees
  1. Sign and Undertaking with the Minister of IRCC:

The undertaking is a binding contract between sponsors (and co-signers), and the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration. Sponsors (and co-signers) promise to provide the sponsored person with basic requirements from the day they enter Canada until the end of the specified period of the undertaking R132. They also accept the obligation to repay the government concerned any social assistance payments made to or on behalf of the sponsored person during this period. A change in circumstances (e.g., marital breakdown, separation, divorce, family rifts, unemployment, change in financial circumstances or death of the principal applicant in cases in which there are accompanying family members) does not nullify the undertaking; sponsors (and co- signers) remain obligated to provide basic requirements for the period of the undertaking.

Duration of Undertaking:

  • Spouse, common-law partner, conjugal partner (R132(1)(b)(i)) – 3 years from date of becoming a permanent resident
  • Dependent child of sponsor, or of sponsor’s spouse, common-law partner or conjugal partner

If under 22 years of age at date of becoming a permanent resident (R132(1)(b)(ii)) – 10 years or age 25, whichever comes first (from date of becoming a permanent resident)

Years of Age:

Max duration in years:

Infant to 15:















If 22 years of age or over at date of becoming a permanent resident (R132 (1)(b)(iii)) – 3 years (from date of becoming a permanent resident)

Any other person pursuant to R132(1)(b)(iv) -20 years from date of becoming a permanent resident, such as:

  • the sponsor’s mother or father
  • the mother or father of the sponsor’s mother or father, or
  • an accompanying family member of the sponsor’s mother or father, mother or father of the sponsor’s mother or father

3     Sign a Sponsorship Agreement with the sponsored person

Sponsors (and co-signers), of all ages and sponsored persons of at least 19 years of age must sign an agreement that confirms their understanding of their mutual obligations and responsibilities. Spouses, common-law partners and conjugal partners of all ages must sign the agreement. The sponsor (and co-signer) agrees to support the sponsored persons and their family members during the period of the undertaking while the sponsored person agrees to make reasonable efforts to provide for their basic requirements and those of their family members. Through the Sponsorship Agreement sponsors focus on their obligations, not only to the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration (through the undertaking), but also to the sponsored members of the family class.

4     Have the minimum necessary income (LICO) required to support themselves and their family            members, as well as all sponsored persons and their family members, including any already s              ponsored under undertakings still in effect

The financial test is needed to prove that sponsors can support sponsored persons for the period of the undertaking.

The sponsor’s income must meet the minimum necessary income requirement, as identified annually by Statistics Canada in LICO levels, to support all members of a sponsor’s own family and all sponsored persons and their family members, including family members listed as non- accompanying. The applicable LICO level is based on urban areas of 500,000 inhabitants or more, regardless of where the sponsor lives.

Current 2020  LICO figures are. Note: the required funds are updated each year on the IRCC website.

Size of Family Unit                 Minimum necessary income

1 person (the sponsor)                                          $25,921

2 persons                                                                    $32,270

3 persons                                                                    $39,672

4 persons                                                                    $48,167

5 persons                                                                    $54,630

6 persons                                                                    $61,613

7 persons                                                                    $68,598

More than 7 persons, for each

additional person, add                                           $6,985

The ability to meet the minimum income requirement is mandatory, unless the sponsor is sponsoring a spouse, common-law partner, conjugal partner or a dependent child where the child has no dependent children of their own. This exception also applies to persons under the age of 18 whom the sponsor intends to adopt in Canada.

Financial resources:

  • Income is based on previous earnings. Amount taken from line 150 of Notice of Assessment in respect of the most recent tax year or “option c” print out. If amount on line 150 is not enough then look to previous 12-months immediately preceding date of application
  • may include the resources of the sponsor’s spouse or common-law partner [known as co-signer] if the sponsor’s financial resources are inadequate and the sponsor’s spouse or common-law partner declares their resources as income on their Canadian tax return and they co-sign the undertaking.
  • cannot include pooled resources from other relatives to meet the income test.
  • must originate from Canadian sources unless:
  • sponsors who commute from Canada to work in the U.S.A. can use their U.S. employment income provided it is declared as income on their Canadian income tax return;
  • sponsors living in Canada who declare income from foreign sources on their Canadian tax returns, can use this foreign income to meet the financial requirements for sponsorship.

Discretionary approval of financial requirements is not possible. Only in cases where there is an exception as stated above. Otherwise, Sponsor MUST meet minimum income requirement.

Who is subjected to sponsorship Bar?

Means situations in which you cannot sponsor

  • Failed to provide financial support you agreed to when you signed a sponsorship agreement to sponsor another relative in the past
  • Defaulted on a court-ordered support order, such as alimony or child support
  • Receive government financial assistance for reasons other than a disability
  • Were convicted of an offence of a sexual nature, a violent criminal offence, an offence against a relative that results in bodily harm or an attempt or threat to commit any such offences—depending on circumstances such as the nature of the offence, how long ago it occurred and whether a pardon was issued
  • Were previously sponsored as a spouse, common-law or conjugal partner and became a permanent resident of Canada less than 5 years ago
  • Defaulted on an immigration loan—late or missed payments
  • Are in prison or
  • Have declared bankruptcy and have not been released from it yet.

If you thinking to sponsor your family member in future. You are advised to Retain Globalduniya immigration as your consultant. We will plan from now to get you success in future date. Sponsorship needs perfect planning. Call us or fill this form.

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If you want to learn more about Globalduniya Immigration, whether it be booking a consultation, learning more  about your services or getting a free quotation, contact us at Globalduniya Immigration.