Authorization to return to Canada

When a foreign national is asked to leave Canada, very often in order to return legally they need to apply for an Authorization to Return to Canada (ARC). This is a formal way to ask the Canadian government for permission to re-enter the country, despite having previously been asked to leave.

In the majority of cases, an ARC is not a stand-alone application, meaning that the applicant cannot just submit an ARC application on its own. It is almost always associated with another application and will be processed and reviewed in the context of that application. The only situation in which this would not be the case is if the applicant did not need a visa to come to Canada, for example if he or she is a citizen of a visa-exempt country. In this scenario, an ARC application can be submitted on its own. But if the applicant requires a visa to visit, study, or work in Canada, he or she does not make a separate ARC application (he or she will only need to pay the associated fee of $400 CAD).

“Being asked to leave” can refer to a number of measures the Canadian government takes to ensure the departure of a particular foreign national. Depending on the measure taken, an ARC may or may not be required.

What is an Authorization to Return to Canada?

When you receive a removal order you usually need to receive an Authorization to Return to Canada (ARC) before being able to return to Canada. The following table shows if ARC is necessary for an enforced removal order.

Removal Order

ARC Necessary?




Yes, within the first 12 months

Exclusion (due to

Yes, within the first 60 months


Yes, at any time

If you receive a departure order and you do not comply with the conditions, then it turns into a deportation order. Non-compliance with the departure order means you did not leave within 30 days of the enforcement of the departure order or you did not report your departure. Keep in mind that family members of the person who receives deportation or exclusion order could be exempt from the ARC. Consult with a professional for more information.

When does the Countdown Begin?

As should be obvious there is a commencement for avoidance orders, or rather a year for a customary one and 60 months for a distortion one. At the point when you leave Canada you have to meet with an official. The official issues a Certificate of Departure. Subsequently, the beginning date for the commencement is the date on that declaration.

What is an ARC Application?

An ARC application resembles a regular Temporary Resident Visa (TRV) application. Be that as it may, the processing fee is $400 contrasted with $100 for a TRV. You additionally need to present a letter and a few archives to persuade the immigration officer you merit an ARC. Regardless of whether you are a US resident or from a visa-absolved nation, you have to utilize a similar procedure for the Authorization to Return to Canada. In conclusion, you should present the application in the paper to the visa office liable for your nation.

What to Consider in ARC Application?

When you submit an ARC application you need to address the following issues:

  • Explain why you received the removal order;
  • why you may not repeat what caused the removal order in the first place;
  • what are your reasons for returning to Canada;
  • list any potential humanitarian and compassionate elements of your request; and
  • why your reasons for returning to Canada overweigh the reasons for the initial removal order.

Do I need to give biometrics for an ARC application?

The government of Canada does not require biometrics for an ARC application at the moment. However, you may need to give biometrics because of the other application that accompanies your ARC application. Also, they may change their policy in the future.

Remember, you sometimes need to address the root causes of the removal order, before or at the same time as applying for an ARC. For example, you may need to request rehabilitation or record suspension, if the inadmissibility is because of criminality.  Consult with a competent professional for your options.

If you wish to visit or move to Canada or if you have encountered any issues with the immigration authorities, you may fill out our free assessment form or book a consultation session to assess your potential opportunities or offer you immigration, visa, or citizenship advice.

Applying For An Authorization To Return To Canada (ARC)

On the off chance that you have been given an expulsion request, it implies that you are not, at this point ready to remain in Canada. Further, contingent upon the idea of your expulsion, you might be banished from reemerging Canada for a while or everlastingly, without first getting the best possible documentation.

The archive that you may require is called an Authorization to Return to Canada. In the event that you have been given an avoidance request and wish to return preceding the forced bars or in the event that you have been given a deportation request, you will require an Authorization to Return to Canada.

These applications are finished and prepared as per the Canadian Border Services Agency. This Agency is basically accused of and liable for fringe implementation, movement requirement, and customs administrations.

Applying for an Authorization to Return to Canada includes requesting unique thought as for changes in conditions and the explanation behind your planned section to Canada.

Akrami and Associates will manage you at all times. Get in touch with us for additional subtleties.

On the off chance that you mean on presenting your application without the help of an agent, there are two or three variables you should remember.

Appeal a Removal

Remote nationals who hold a lasting inhabitant visa, perpetual occupants and ensured people who have had expulsion orders gave against them at an assessment or tolerability hearing can speak to the Immigration and Refugee Board’s Immigration Appeal Division. Be that as it may, you can’t bid on the off chance that they have been found inadmissible for any of the accompanying reasons:

  • You are viewed as a security danger;
  • You have abused human or worldwide rights;
  • You have gotten a sentence of at any rate two years for crime;
  • You are or have been associated with composed wrongdoing; or
  • You have caused a deception, to with the exception of in situations where the individual is the support’s life partner, customary law accomplice or kid.

You can dispatch an intrigue in the event that you have been requested expelled or by the Canadian Border Services Agency. The Immigration Appeal Division can remain (delay) evacuation orders.

The Immigration Appeal Division will hear your allure in court. On the off chance that the intrigue is dismissed, you would then be able to request that the Federal Court survey the Division’s choice.

Now and then there is a deferral between the time an evacuation request is given and the time an individual really leaves Canada. The reason(s) for this can incorporate the accompanying:

Claims and lawful procedures: The individual has advanced the expulsion request or might be associated with other lawful procedures, for example, a criminal preliminary.

Travel records: The Canadian Border Services Agency (CBSA) may have experienced issues acquiring international IDs or visas to allow the individual to enter another nation.

Personality: The individual’s character or citizenship can’t be affirmed.

Inability to show up: The individual doesn’t show up for expulsion at the correct time or area, and the CBSA must issue a movement capture warrant.

Brief suspension of expulsion: Dangerous conditions exist that make it difficult to securely restore the individual to the nation of beginning

When rendering a final decision

If in person at a port of entry, Canadian immigration authorities will refuse that person entry to Canada.


Reject the application based on the Canadian immigration officer’s opinion that the candidate is inadmissible.

Non-Serious Criminality and Serious Criminality

Non-serious criminality and serious criminality are two separate designations Canadian immigration authorities use when assessing a foreigner’s criminal record. It does not matter how seriously the offence is treated in the foreigner’s home country.  Canadian immigration authorities are only concerned with the offence’s equivalent as per Canadian law. There are different ramifications, depending on whether or not the foreign offence has a Canadian equivalent rooted in non-serious or serious criminality.

Applying For An Authorization To Return To Canada (ARC)

An Authorization to Return to Canada or ARC is a special permission that you will most likely need if you have been the subject of a removal order. A removal order has three categories, each of which results in your inadmissibility to Canada for any number of reasons. If you have overstayed your authorized period of stay in Canada and were given a departure order, or you did not comply with your departure order and were then apprehended and given a deportation order, or misrepresented yourself in an application and were given an exclusion order; You will need an Authorization to Return to Canada depending on your situation.

Akrami & Associates and our team of highly skilled immigration professionals have much experience in helping people return to Canada in these circumstances. Contact us to find out how we can help you!

When an officer assesses your application, they will consider, among other things:

  • the reasons for the removal order
  • the possibility that you will repeat the behaviour that caused the order to be issued
  • the length of time since the order was issued
  • your current situation
  • the reason why you want to enter Canada.

If the above situations apply to you, we can definitely assist you with this. Contact us to find out how we can help you return to Canada!  

We Can Help You With Your Authorization to Return to Canada Application!

We have dealt with hundreds of Authorization to Return to Canada Application cases. We have helped our clients in their difficult situations and have guided them to draft a more effective application. We can help you draft your application and arrange the required documents. A well-planned and complete application will increase your likelihood of acceptance and will save your from hassle.

If you are worried about the legal fees, don’t be! Our goal is to help everyone that is interested in immigrating to Canada. Contact us and we can provide numerous options for you. You can also purchase our very affordable Do it Yourself Immigration Kit which details everything for you. If you are still not sure, feel free to get back to us. We will review your case before you submit it to give you the best possible outcome.

Need Help?

If you want to learn more about Globalduniya Immigration, whether it be booking a consultation, learning more  about your services or getting a free quotation, contact us at Globalduniya Canada.

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